Man today is about to give up hope in man. This does not have to be the case, because it is in the hands of the person how he organizes himself.

Today's cultural life is characterized by the fact that man glorifies his supernatural cultural products and devalues and abuses natural life in an arbitrary way. Above a certain degree of this unnatural agenda, human self-organization inevitably becomes destructive. As a result, every class culture that has also devalued and abused human nature by dividing man into classes has so far destroyed itself.

Within a class culture, man becomes ill to the extent that he replaces his natural innate ego with an "adapted" artificial cultural ego. In this way, he "improves" his natural self-organization through an absolutist and thus supernatural thinking, feeling and acting.That is why the class culture is a culture that makes people sick and will remain a culture that makes all natural life sick until man organizes himself in a natural way.

This website serves to make it clear that today's human being can organize himself in a natural way. Such a transformation is not easy, but it is possible.

You will find under Articles 3 Basic Articles for the beginning, under Community a description of the instruments for to change the todays culture constitution.

A first in-depth analysis of the causes of today's global cultural situation can be found in the following books