The supernatural being of traditional high culture (parts)
Since the self-organisation of mankind through a advanced class culture (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China), there have been relatively all-powerful "master men", relatively powerless
servant men (civil servants, traders, craftsmen) and powerless slave men (bonded labourers, slaves, proletarians, low-wage workers). As a result, human community relations have changed from an originally simple natural
symbiosis of relativ equal rights into sado-masochistic relationships with a tendency towards delusions of a grandeur and a inferiority. The constant "progress" of this cultural organisation over the last 5,000 years
has brought mankind today to the limits of human nature as well as to the limits of earthly nature and is in the process of seriously damaging life on earth. The central goal of all historical sadistic or narcissistic efforts to gain power was and still is the unconditional surrender of all subordinates. This applies to authoritarian parental education as
well as to the military machine, the bureaucratic machine and the capitalist economic machine. Unconditional capitulation presupposes that the natural self-will of the subordinates is broken by a constant or extreme
psychological overload, so that the natural self-will and the natural ego remain chronically underexposed in favor of the ego and the will of the "victorious" authorities. Since this objective cannot be realized
without further ado, the class culture has, since its inception, ensured a normal family war, a downright gender war and an obligatory class war through a corresponding internal policy, so that the people of culture are exposed
to a constant heavy social burden or overload.
The consequences of a supernatural, idealistic polarisation of the human worldview
Up to now, most people have been one-sidedly fixated on seeking the blame and the cause of their problems in human nature and explicitly avoid dealing with their traditional cultural and religious constitution. As a result, people inevitably stand in their own way for the improving of their personal and cultural lives. This has become a stubborn misfortune for all people. Through its programmatic power agenda, the religion of class culture has massively contaminated man's view of the world with numerous supernatural ideas of fear and has led man into a pathological ideological self-organisation. Since the emergence of Jewish monotheism, a large part of humanity has distinguished between a narcissistic God who operates with a pedagogy of rewards and punishments (good) and a devil (evil). Therefore many humans loose themself until today in an ideological self-overload and in a corresponding quiet hopelessness. The Roman Catholic Church and Protestantism, with the exception of Calvinism, have tried to mitigate this devastating polarisation of the human world view with a friendlier, empathic image of God. To this end, the supernatural idealism invented by the Greek philosopher Plato was also adopted, which led to a new religious distinction between an ideological pole of the heavenly (supernatural, superior, good) and an ideological pole of the earthly (natural, inferior, bad). This polarisation of the human world view has remained an essential ideological basis of the Roman Catholic and Protestant religious constitutions to this day. The Western soul is still bleeding today from the ideological and emotional wounds that such an absolutist supernatural polarisation of the human world view causes, because man has not stopped until today cultivating arbitrary supernatural ways of thinking, feeling and acting. Ever since the Catholic Church adopted the particular complex of Platonic idealism, Western civilisation has distinguished between a heavenly realm of pure divine being and an earthly realm of low, flawed and sinful being. This has created a kind of Gordian ideological knot in human thinking, which regards everything natural as inferior and which has tightened more and more over the centuries. Many people today can no longer find peace because their religious cultural heritage prevents them from finding their way back to a constructive natural view of life, which is primarily orientated towards the
natural evaluation categories of healthy and sick. The absolutist idealistic categories of good and evil and of heavenly and earthly are completely arbitrary value categories that have been used for 5,000 years by the
respective "master men" of class culture to secure supernatural cultural domination. As a result, it has always been "good and right" what the God-King and all cultural authorities (God's governors on earth)
have thought and said, so that the strange, generally accepted view has arisen, that the "victor" and not the nature of the earth writes history. Through the acceptance of this and many other arbitrary views of life,
the biological evaluation of cultural life through the natural value categories of healthy and sick has remained notoriously underexposed in the cultures of class or has fallen victim entirely to bottomless human arbitrariness.
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