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Cultural enslavement: How an artificial worldview has heen manipulating human thinking for 5000 years and leading to emotional subjugation
In order to keep the simple people in line, the master people of the class cultures have already created a world view 5000 years ago, which causes all empathic people a veritable emotional polarisation of
panicky fear with supernatural enthusiasm. This "agenda" was and is today more than ever able to switch off the rational biological thinking of humans for a shorter or longer period of time. The unnatural and asocial
behaviours of the cultural lower class, which thus inevitably become "normal" in the class culture, were always explained by the "master men" of the class culture as a spawn of "evil" in the world,
so that the simple cultured people have developed serious anxiety disorders in view of their constant organisational and behavioural problems. These anxiety disorders, which are listed today in the book of mental illnesses,
have driven most cultural slaves or the cultural lower class in the last 5000 years into an unconditional capitulation to the "master men", to people, whom we can only understand today as psychopathic people. Above
all, the so-called soul herdsmen of the class cultures have produced a downright psychological blackmail of all believers through a fear of damnation after life and have softened it through a offer of divine advocacy – in
exchange for compensation, of course. In the 15th century, this led to a letter of remission of sins in the Catholic Church as a new "business model". Due to the psychopathic fears of life of the believers that had
arisen up to that point, such an offer could indeed alleviate the fears of the believers, so that it was abundantly used. In this way, the "simple" human being has allowed himself to be deceived in every conceivable
way by the political and religious master men of the class culture in the last 5000 years, thereby consolidating a pathological masochistic survival recipe of selflessness, indifference and irresponsibility.
Today, these "normal" symptom developments of the class culture ensure in a potentiated way that the modern cultural slave educates and "optimises" himself in the sense of the class culture.
By providing a constant supply of panicked and allergic states of mind in a "gentle" way with the help of modern media, the cultural slave can circumvent his natural unwillingness towards an unnatural absolutist rule
and blindly "adapt" to the respective cultural status quo. For this modern self-optimisation of the cultural slave, the modern media provide a whole arsenal of films and documentaries, from which everyone can pick out
what they need for supernatural self-motivation and for his survival in today's class culture.
It is mainly for this reason that there is considerable resistance in culture today to any cultural change, even if it may hold out the prospect of a considerable improvement in the cultural situation or the
dissolution of cultural slavery. We are therefore not dealing with a healthy, but with an extremely tragic cultural phenomenon of the pathological kind.
The biological life is not a fantastic concert of wishes. Therefore, as long as the civilised man does not respect nature in a fundamental way, including the nature of man, he remains an erring man within a
self-created supernatural cultural bubble of the absolutist kind. Only when man achieves a sufficiently profound contact with his nature and the nature of the earth can he also realise a society adequate for his own nature and
maintain it in a sustainable way. As long as this is not the case, man remains a lost being of the supernatural arbitrariness that he has "cultivated" in an excessive way since the invention of slavery and cannot find
a real home for himself on earth. All the belligerent posturing that man today realises as a matter of course is a sign of ignorance, immaturity and biological insanity and not a justified reason for the creation of false
"cultural heroes".
It is astonishing how effectively man stylises himself as an unhuman today, since he not only pursues an "improvement" of natural evolution, but replaces nature with a cultural art world that is
becoming more and more unnatural, automatic and mechanical. As intelligent as man has become in all technical matters since the turn of the millennium, he acts destructively and unsound of mind today in all biological and
social matters of his self-organisation. As he slowly but surely pulls himself the natural ground from under his feet, he cultivates an all-euphemistic, kitschy idealism that today more than anything else prevents man from
saving himself from the destructive consequences of his supernatural ideas and aspirations. Only when the mass of people recognises that man today is playing an everyday Russian roulette with his existence and thereby slowly
but surely consumes all his nerve power, does he have a real chance to shape his self-organisation biologically, symbiotically and socially. As long, as the cultural slave hangs on the lips of the cultural "master
men" like an addict to instructions, then the human being remains a tragic obstacle for himself and a danger to all life on earth. Above all, through the invention of slavery and class culture, man has formatted himself
into an unnatural being, that still realises today a self-evident terroristic parasitism against all "low" people, animals and plants.
The preliminary result of this is that man has become a tragic being who uses his special capacities for creativity, imagination and freedom in a contradictory way, so that today he increasingly becomes a
prisoner in an unnatural cultural system. The material luxury that man has produced for himself in the last 150 years does not change this.
The resulting intolerability of culture finds its cause above all in the human striving for the absolute power over life on earth. More than a hundred years ago, science discovered that the universe is not
organised in an absolute, but in a relative way, so that the entire absolutist power ideology of man is nothing more than the spawn of a bottomless, unnatural fantasy. This error, which has distorted all human thought, feeling
and action for 5000 years, will leave nothing of Homo "Sapiens" and will cause serious damage to terrestrial evolution if the simple civilised people do not kiss themselves awake from their briar rose slumber and
fundamentally question the cultural concept of the "master men". The question of why the cultural slave still follows the master men today, although the fruits of the master men are already quite obviously
biologically and socially insane, is decisive. Perhaps it is therefore time for everyone to recall the wisdom of an important man in human history: "By their fruits you shall know them". Anyone who knows who wrote
this quotation and who recognises the elementary importance of this wisdom for today's man will also find in himself the necessary prerequisite for self-liberation from his cultural "slave fate".
A person awakening from his briar rose slumber today finds some hurdles in the culture and in his own habits, which he has to overcome to find the way back to his natural self. The class culture is organised by
supernatural fears, aggressions and enthusiasms, so that the natural innate ego of man inevitably has too little freedom and air to breathe within the culture. Therefore, the cultural man usually opts for a basic survival
recipe of "selflessness", passivity and irresponsibility, as this can neutralise the unbearable pain that the culture of class causes to the natural self. What remains for man is a longing for his natural self and for
symbiotic social relationships, through which alone his innate natural self can be realised in a happy way.
Many people mistakenly believe that longing is a good thing. However, there is a reason why the longing is often labelled with the attribute "pathological". To yearn for empathetic social relationships
is natural and healthy. A longing in the form of a real addiction arises from the fact that a cultured person has to struggle with too many sado-masochistic relationship constellations in the culture. These relationship
constellations result from the arbitrary and absolutistic separation of man into artificial cultural classes and hinder the sufficient fulfilment of a natural relationship culture of the empathic kind. For this reason many
persons in the class culture develop a pathological longing for social relationships of the symbiotic kind. This becomes particularly in many cultural children evident, who long in vain for symbiotic relationships with their
parents and family members. Many of these children develop a longing that goes so far as to whitewash their relationships with their family members and to meet all the supernatural demands of the family members – including the
demands that are unnatural and destructive. In doing so, the affected children commit a biological betrayal of themselves, without knowing it, which has devastating effects on all their future thinking and behaviour.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter in a class culture whatever a child tries to achieve the painfully lacking symbiotic relationships they naturally crave, because the deficiency of such relationships is inherent in
the system. As a result, the longing becomes more or less a hopeless and bottomless affair for the culture man and sometimes reaches such a high degree that those affected indulge in beautiful fantasies for hours. In this way,
the natural desire for symbiotic social relationships becomes what we understand today as a longing.
Women in particular, due to their own "slave fate" in the patriarchal class culture, still tend to indulge in beautiful longing fantasies and to develop a corresponding idealism. Therefore, there are
many women today who condemn and devalue the often disillusioning cultural reality across the board. As a family slave of the class culture, the woman has also been able to master her survival for 5000 years only through a more
or less pronounced agenda of selflessness, passivity and cultural irresponsibility. This veritable slave agenda is still characterised by the fact that many cultural slaves apply the motto "what do I care about my chatter
from yesterday".
Since the motto "what do I care about my chatter from yesterday" has also been practiced by all master men for 5000 years, it was relatively easy for modern women to follow the cultural paradigm shift
from the patriarchal family jurisprudence to the matriarchal family jurisprudence that took place at the turn of the millennium. To this day, the modern woman tends to simply ignore all culturally determined biological and
social behavioural deviations of the human being and to assert herself within culture with a bottomless idealism through the motto "the end justifies the means". The motto "what do I care about my chatter from
yesterday" performs thereby an effective support. Through this feminist agenda, women have achieved an ideological and emotional upper hand in gender relationships in the course of the fundamental insecurity of men due to
the paradigm shift at the turn of the millennium. The resulting relative familial incapacitation of the man has earned the woman a consolidated sovereignty of social interpretation within the class culture, which today
painfully falls on the feet of the people of the Western cultural sphere. Today we can see that the motto "what do I care about my chatter from yesterday" has become endemic within the entire culture and that social
interpersonal relationships are increasingly decomposing and becoming more and more superficial due to a "galloping inflation" of natural empathy. Accordingly, the general nervousness of the culture man is increasing
because he more and more makes the experience, that he can't really rely on the cultural organisation.
The displacement and the whitewashing of these cultural realities, which is practiced by many women today, contribute to the fact that the inner cultural relationship degeneration is treated as "normal"
or as "fate". In the process, the deeper examination of a dicey cultural topic is often cancelled by positivistic phrases. In this way, everything that still exists in the way of biological and social reason in the
cultures necessarily evaporates in a progressive way, so that increasingly chaotic developments in culture occur.
It has therefore become important to understand that the "simple" human being, through his obligatory masochistic "adaptation" to the culture of class for 5000 years, does not strive - as one
might expect - to regain his natural freedom. He rather strives to ensure an absolute self-control and a mastery of the immediate social environment. As a result he "optimises" himself increasingly for the class
culture and inevitably becomes his own slave owner. So he brings today an artificial cultural ego into the training, which acts highly egocentrically in the sense of neoliberal capitalism. His natural self remains therefore
suppressed and stays permanently in a dungeon in the subconscious. The modern cultural slave thus has become extremely "effective" as he acts as smoothly as possible in favour of the modern class culture through the
convictions and belief formulas that he has taken over from culture. Today's cultural development is therefore not only characterised by a "master men" who has become megalomaniac and strives for profit and power with
a bottomless arbitrariness. Also today's cultural slave, who carries his practiced survival formula of powerlessness in front of him like a constant mantra, also contributes in a stubborn way through his explicit selflessness,
passivity and cultural irresponsibility to the fact that man normalises a kamikase behaviour through his blind adherence to his economic cultural model.
It is only the psychological situation of today's class culture that makes it clear how little the simple civilised person is aware of the constant self-betrayal of his indigenous nature and the betrayal of the
nature of the earth. This betrayal today is also taking place through the fact that man clings to an obvious antinatural cultural life. Only those who have sufficiently understood this tragic Gordian knot of class culture can
also understand that the invention of slavery in the constitution of an absolutist terrorist parasitism has slowly but surely turned into a cultural cancer in the last 5000 years. Today, this cancer threatens the existence of
humans and evolution on Earth. Thereby the cultural slaves are increasingly in danger of becoming a metastasis of this cancer through their constant tacit promotion of the culture.
Today's man is reluctant to swallow such a bitter pill of knowledge, because he expects all possible and impossible miracles from technology. The problems that arise from this are particularly evident in the
increasingly acute plastic problem. So far, the plastic problem has been flanked by a sea of lies about the recycling possibilities of plastic and has not been addressed. Today, this is generally simply accepted, although
plastic contamination by the so-called microplastics can already be detected in the blood of all people. This problem and other problems of a similarly serious calibre have not yet reached the hearts of people, as they have to
release therefore their natural selves from the dungeon in their subconscious.
Such an idea scares most people today, because there has been or still is a "good" reason for everyone to suppress and lock away their natural self: a culture-related fear of survival that can become so
strong that affected people are willing to do anything to avoid experiencing such a fear again. Here the Gordian knot becomes tangible, which today's civilised man must solve in order to be able to achieve a natural culture of
the symbiotic kind.
The common person must learn to accept the fact that the "high culture" is organising itself in a highly unnatural and perverse way for 5000 years. As soon as people arise in a culture who rise above
other people and manage to create a communal reality that is unbearable for everyone, the common person who cannot explain himself this seeks an effective distraction, which usually leads in one way or another to an addiction
to effective distractions. The cultural blindness of the cultural slaves, which is thus progressively consolidated, is inevitably a serious stumbling block for the sustainable realisation of a natural democracy.
The American Founding Fathers were already aware of the cultural vulnerability and of the need for a conscious and active maintenance of democracy. Even today, the novella is told in America that an elderly woman
asked Thomas Jefferson what kind of government the Founding Fathers had given America. Thomas Jefferson is said to have replied, "A democracy if you can preserve it." This statement expresses a deep wisdom resulting
from cultural history itself: Without the active concern of ordinary people for the maintenance of personal mental and emotional independence and integrity, a democracy cannot sustain itself in the long term. Since humans have
the special abilities of creativity, freedom and imagination, an unnatural use of these special abilities can very quickly lead to a democracy decomposing from within, as soon as the common person does not sufficiently protect
it through a corresponding care in everyday culture life. Without a living corrective by the people themselves, which counters all cultural aberrations with an active "resist the aberations", a natural democracy
cannot exist in the long term. The survival strategy that the cultural slave has been implementing for 5000 years therefore has an extremely high price, not only for the cultural slave.
Since the turn of the millennium, there has been a lack of a democratic corrective by the people throughout Western culture. Through the 1985 declared "Washington Consensus" a "liberalisation"
of capitalism towards a radical exploitative capitalism was decided, as he already has been realised in the 19th century. This has progressively put the cultural citizens on the defensive until today. Through the emergence of
new sensational entertainments in the form of computer games and the Internet, human attention has been scattered to the winds since the turn of the millennium. Trough these both cultural developments, the bourgeois corrective
in culture was almost completely dissolved.
One consequence of this development was, among other things, that a fatalistic European religious heritage has taken a new upswing in America and today produces many unnatural ideological, political and religious
cultural blossoms in America. These blossoms are also increasingly effective in the entire Western cultural sphere. Since the turn of the millennium, the Calvinist religious heritage in particular has led to an increasing
ideological subdivision of man into "chosen and not chosen" humans in America. This Calvinist subdivision of people had already heralded a war of rich against poor in America in the 19th century. The new flowering of
this war through the "Washington Consensus" of 1985, has ushered a so-called new neoliberal agenda. Since then, this agenda has led to a "increasing" appropriation of all living beings on earth through the
capitalist economic machine.
Donald Trump has led to a fusion of this neoliberal economic agenda with a blossom of a fundamentalistic evangelical religion that tends to push a fanatical political dominion ideology. This obvious development
makes it comprehensible to today's people for the first time what took place in Europe from 1933 onwards through the blossom of a fascist cultural religion. The damage caused by the First World War and the political and
economic aftermath had created a general situation of insecurity in Europe. The political offer of the Nasis to end this insecurity in Germany transformed many Germans into living metastases of a cancerous cultural blossom
through the fusion of the fascist policy with a fanatical, esoteric and völkisch religion. As the resulting fruits have shown, such a precarious ideological cultural development is mentally, emotionally and physically
life-threatening for man.
Also today man is in great danger of fantasising himself to death through carelessly accepted absolutistic idealistic ideas of a supernatural kind. Therefore, it has become necessary for the "simple"
human being to finish his (God-willed?) slavishness and to stand up in order to consciously protect the remaining stock of natural life on earth from the pathological delusion of a neoliberal class culture that is increasingly
coming apart at the seams. Otherwise, humans will increasingly become a gravedigger for the earth's natural species, including their own species.
The article was published on the internet on 21.09.2024