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The conscious return to the natural community and the end of the unnatural culture development


The relatively stubborn blindness of all people to the cultural fruits of the "master men" in the last 5000 years has led since the turn of the millennium to the fact that today's master men plays dangerous political and economic games with modern cultural instruments in a downright childish way. As a result, the absolutist centralist power politics of class culture has reached a turning point and has heralded a developmental tendency of cultural self-destruction. More than ever, today's "master man" of Western culture are striving for a learning-resistant repetition of cultural history and fulfill the official today's definition of insanity: "To always organize yourself in the same way and nevertheless to hope all the time for a different result." All advanced civilizations of history have failed due to their bottomless striving for power of the master men, due to an escalating internal aggression (internal or/and external wars), a boundless cultural depression or to both in the form of a correspondingly destructive ambivalence. As early as 1994, David Rockefeller, one of the illustrious modern master men, spoke in an official lecture that all it takes is a global cultural crisis to enforce a new world order.

Above all, the social sciences already sufficiently discredited class relations within a class culture lead to a downright aberration of man into an unnatural, sadistic or masochistic behavior. This "normal" human sadism and masochism, which has been culturally conditioned for 5000 years, is today also expressed in an indirect symbolic way by the contradiction that in Western cultures up to 50 % of industrially produced food is burned as garbage, while at the same time millions of people continue to starve to death every year. This is not due to the lack of logistical possibilities of today's man, but to the cynical fact that the class culture as such, and in particular the capitalist class culture, has only been able to maintain itself for 200 years by being able to force people to do work, directly or indirectly through the threat of hunger. The first thing the colonialists and imperialists of the 19th and 20th centuries did in the African states they occupied was to cut down the breadfruit trees and occupy the springs, so that a real compulsion arose for the native populations to work.

Through this power of the threat of hunger, modern man has also accepted the unnatural conditions of an "effective" workplace (assembly line) and the increasingly superficial and objective social and economic relations. The obligation of health insurance introduced by the EU in 2006 and a uniform obligation to register in Europe is also based on the same "practical constraint", as this means that people have to participate in cultural life and can no longer do this without a regular income.

It is this kind of mentality of producing hidden "practical constraints" that keeps people trapped in an increasingly effective way within a globally mechanizing world of work to this day. The superficial and objective relationships that have thus become normal in culture are therefore relations of the sado-masochistic kind, which lead to an increasingly "self-evident" appropriation and exploitation of all tangible natural values of the earth, including humans. Above all, this exploitation, which has become endemic, has created a destructive organizational chaos and relationship chaos in cultures today, which is becoming increasingly dangerous for all people.

Today, people lack neither tools nor knowledge, nor the desire to organize themselves in a biological way, but they do lack a symbiotic and empathetic ability to relate to others, which is indispensable for a healthy social self-organization of the human being. In the last 170 generations, humans have thoroughly unlearned this actually natural predisposition to the symbiotic ability to relate through the permanent realization of a class culture. The sado-masochistic perpetrator-victim relationship (master man - servant man), which has thus remained "a matter of course" in the class cultures to this day, inevitably prevents any approach to a holistic biological cultural organization. A constructive holistic democracy can therefore only be achieved if man dissolves the traditional constellations of relationships of the sado-masochistic kind.

Above all, the attempts of the left-wing cultural movements in the course of the 1968 revolution to achieve a holistic democratic communitarization have shown that the class culture causes and normalizes psychological damage in almost all people, which still thwarts a natural communitization even when a community has already achieved a functioning self-sufficient energy and food supply. As we know today, the adaptation of man to a class culture that is fundamentally unnatural and thus unbearable for human nature in the long run leads to a suppression of the innate natural self and to the formation of an artificial cultural ego that remains relatively superficial and impersonal.

In order for a symbiotic relationship or a holistic democratic community process to succeed, the adapted cultural person must neutralize his artificial cultural ego, at least temporarily, so that the repressed natural self can regenerate and become active again. Only in this way can people achieve a biologically binding community of the empathetic and symbiotic kind, which is realized through the natural agenda of "one for all, all for one". Those who have such a community experience report a sudden irrepressible inner joy and a subsequent deep inner peace.

Only through such an experience can man understand how extensive the violent effect of a class culture on man is, which fundamentally disturbs and prevents the natural formation of community through its power agenda of "divide and rule". Since the master men of culture also causes a supernatural insecurity and anxiety in the cultured people, a "divide and rule" agenda can be implemented in culture so "successfully" that even a small group of "master men" can "manage" a mass of "servant men" (accomplices and slaves). For the servant people, the everyday reality of a class culture is unbearable in the long run, because it is so unnatural, so that for 5000 years the cultured person has been repressing his natural self into the subconscious (selflessness) and replacing it with an "adapted" artificial cultural ego. In addition, the cultured person has always tried to distract himself from an unbearable cultural "fate" by all kinds of supernatural entertainments of the "sensational" kind. (Drugs, violent games, perverted sexuality, etc.)

M. Scott Peck tells in his book "Community Building" that he has experienced several natural community formations in his life, so that he has worked out a special seminar for natural community building. As a result he he gained a lot of experience in relation to a unconditionally binding, empathetic and symbiotic community formation process as a leader in weekend seminars. We can understand this high-quality community building as the normal form of natural communitisation, since such communitisation is made possible within a relatively short period of time by a corresponding human longing for such communitiszation. This longing is therefore the actual leader of a weekend seminar, which can only end successfully if the community building process happens  without an authoritarian leadership. As a result, the organizer of the workshop essentially remains a companion, who only intervenes to correct if the natural community building process is blocked by a group member for too long.

As M. Scott Peck explaines in his book, in a biological community formation, all group members create a new community being that includes all group members equally. After a weekend workshop, this community dissolves relatively quickly due to the return of the members to their everyday cultural life. Only in a permanent community or municipality can biological communitarisation be maintained and stabilised in the long term through a regular reinforcement of the community. This way, a biological community can ultimately become relatively resilient to disruptive external influences and exist also within a class culture.

Above all, the artificial cultural ego, which is obligatorily developed by the people of a class culture, ensures through its current orientation towards a rather antisocial egocentric capitalism that man appropriates all natural values in an unnatural antisocial way. This inevitably results in considerable disturbances in all interpersonal relationships, which prevent a biological communitization of humans.

As early as 1950, many professors of ethnology summarized the ethnological researches and published a documentation on the general characteristics of the natural human self-organization. Therefor we can assume today in a secured way that an including, binding, empathetic and symbiotic relationship- and community building is an central part of natural human self-organization. A holistic democratic cultural design therefore is far less absurd for the homo sapiens than many people believe today.

Today's "normal" relatively unstable, superficial and objective cultural relationships create a chronic sense of insecurity in people, so that modern capitalistically organized human being has increasingly neglected his social life insurance and largely replaced it with a material life insurance. Only the conscious cultivation of a biological democracy with a corresponding biological community formation can cancel out the increasingly threatening consequences of this self-organization for today's humans. An aid to this process of transformation is the knowledge of the following 4 phases of a biological community building process

1. The phase of the pseudo-community. In this first phase of community building, group members usually try to achieve an immediate emotional connection. The niceties and courtesies that are realized in this way lead to a deceptively real communitarization through the goal of the members not to offend anybody and to keep everything in "the best order and harmony". This means, that the artificial cultural ego of the group members is in charge, so that the natural self of all group members remains in the subconscious. As a result, also the repressed pain and frustration about the fact that the social culture forces the individual to betray his natural self and suppress it into the subconscious remains hidden.In this way, the group members deceive each other about their true inner sensitivities, so that no constructive natural process towards biological community building can take place.

These inner blockages are caused by the "normal" culturally conditioned adaptation strategy of the artificial cultural ego, which organizes itself in an extremely disciplined absolutist way through the agenda of a "hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing" and the resulting rule "thou shalt not notice anything". Therefore, the essential condition that M. Scott Peck cites for a successful biological community building is the vulnerability of the members, which arises from a voluntary openness and a corresponding social trust. Without such an conscious openness of the group, no natural community can arise, because the absolutistically acting cultural ego otherwise keeps the relatively acting natural self permanently in repression.

The phase of the pseudo-community therefore usually remains dominated by the supernatural cultural ego, which sends all kinds of culture-conditioned everyday behavioral roles into the race, so that the relationships in the community remain relatively superficial, objective and controlled. As a rule, the members are not sufficiently aware of these culture-conditioned behavioral strategies, which become normal due to the necessity of supernatural self-protection within the class culture. This self-protection is necessary because the arbitrariness of the master men in today's class culture can take the individual by surprise and make him feel deeply insecure. For this reason, the group does not create any real commitment within the first phase of the pseudo-community, as the participants remain in the echo chamber of their own cultural survival strategy and are usually not yet ready for a truly open and honest exchange in the group. W. Scott Peck reports on a weekend workshop with a group of people who had all completed psychoanalysis and were practiced in feigning an artificial vulnerability accompanied by the sharing of intimate details from their personal lives. As long as this "show" of the artificial cultural ego only feigns the opening of the natural ego and thus de facto prevents it, the community inevitably remains a pseudo-community. Within such a pseudo-community, the members avoid all real difficulties, so that the individual differences of the group members are not recognized and are left out.

2. The phase of chaos.As soon as the group participants notice that the normal strategy of pseudo-harmony does not work and that also the usually used roles of healer and proselytizer only have negative consequences, the first aggressive reactions and frustrations due to the ongoing failure of the group appear. Since an artificial cultural ego internalizes many supernatural expectations and demands from the outside in the course of time and makes them its own ,the artificial cultural ego activates also some megalomaniac mental constitutions. This sometimes leads to the fact that the artificial ego roles of the healer and proselytizer create such pressure within the group that the respective victims revolt and in turn try to heal the healers and convert the proselytizers. This leads to relationship chaos in the group with an explosive potential. For this reason, the phase of chaos is to be understood as a real phase in which the artificial cultural ego leads all its idealistically generated behavioral roles into the field and goes into a rage, because none of these rolesbear fruit. The group members must survive this phase in order to become a real empathetic and symbiotic community.

As a rule, during the phase of chaos, the individual differences of the group participants become clear for the first time, so that the cultural ego begins to bring the "deviants" from "normal" cultural behavior back on track by smoothing out all alienating views or, if push comes to shove, "combats". The phase of chaos is therefore a phase of fighting and wrestling, so that it can also result in attacks against the leadership style of the group leader, the demand for an authoritarian group leadership or even the attempt to take over the leadership of the group by some group members. However, as M. Scott Peck points out, an authoritarian leadership style is synonymous with the failure of natural group formation, which is why there can be no guarantee of success for a natural community building process through a workshop.If a split occurs in the group due to a massive activity of the cultural ego of several people, then the further path of communitization can become extremely rocky for the group members, until they finally reach the 3rd phase of emptiness or fail.

3. The phase of emptiness. According to M. Scott Peck, the third phase of emptiness is the most difficult phase for natural community building, as it represents the bridge from chaos to real community and presupposes a corresponding elimination from all obstacles to real community building. This also means the abandonment of rock-solid beliefs that the cultural ego usually generates in order to justify the displacement of the natural ego into the subconscious.Here, therefore, the essential struggle takes place in the group members between their artificial cultural ego and the natural self, which has brought back to life. Only when the cultural ego experiences a small death through the will of those affected and the group members thereby stop pressing their group relationships into preconceived cultur-caused forms, can real empathic and symbiotic relationships arise through a ever-stronger bcoming natural self. W Scott Peck sees this process as an inwardly emptying of egocentric views, each of which prevents the unpredictable individuality of the other group members from being accepted. The "normal" adherence to the fixed norms and behavioral habits of the cultural ego must therefore be overcome independently by each group member, so that a real biological community connection can develop. Only when the group members succeed in realizing a small death of their cultural ego in an independent way can the natural self reactivate itself in a sufficient way. If this succeeds, there is an empathetic community connection that is perceived as wonderful, which seems to arise out of nowhere. 4. The phase of the biological community. The miraculous emergence of a real community bond is arising out of nowhere, because the resulting binding empathic and symbiotic relation of all group members to each other represents the natural concept of relationships and community of human nature. Therefore, it is sufficient for a group of people to remove the obstacles to spontaneous natural community formation for natural community formation to occur like by itself. The prerequisite for such a communitization is therefore a still intact inner longing of man for a natural community, which is not infrequently permanently overlaid within today's class culture by the capitalist "ideals" of maximum effectiveness of actions and the maximum profit return. The community building of the inclusive, binding, empathetic and symbiotic kind that arises in a spontaneous way is not a miracle out of nowhere, but results from an inner human urge. This urge can become so strong that it can switch off the artificial cultural ego temporarily or even for a longer period of time, as the natural community is a fundamental biological life insurance for humans. As long as a person longs for such a natural life insurance, he is not lost, because as soon as the opportunity presents itself, he can come back to becoming part of a constructive natural community as if by himself.

Only those who understand these natural connections can also understand why today's capitalist class culture with the help of the modern media ensures an ever more effective poisoning of human consciousness and for constant blossoms of a supernatural human fear. Here the obligatory class war becomes tangible in the class culture, which today is also referred to as a war of the rich against the poor. This war is an essential reason for the supernatural adaptation of man to the capitalist culture of class through the development of an artificial culture ego.

As a rule, the revived natural self is still relatively weak after a successful natural community building, so that a great empathic mindfulness on the part of all group members is necessary in order not to unnecessarily burden or injure the weak natural self. It has therefore proven helpful for group members to lie down next to each other in silence and enjoy their fellowship in silence. The "normal" suppression of the natural ego within a class culture, which is an essential condition for the sustainable maintenance of the class culture, leads in the course of the growing up of a child of culture to an increasing repression of the natural ego into a dungeon in the subconscious.In today's capitalist class culture, this usually has the consequence that most people neglect their natural social life insurance and try to replace it for the most part with material life insurance. Since the "experts" of capitalism demand an unnatural material egocentricity from the citizens in order to keep capitalism alive, the natural self is often repressed into the subconscious and is getting therefor weaker and weaker. It therefore usually takes a longer period of recovery for the natural self to regain its strength and to ward off and stands attacks from outside. A corresponding constant mindfulness is therefore an important prerequisite for the progressive stabilisation of a biological community.Many people have already experienced spontaneous binding community formations in their lives, such as at a meeting of relatives, in kindergarten or at school. Even in the phase of puberty, in which the adolescents are looking for new orientations, binding empathetic relationship and community experiences occur again and again. Anyone who remembers such community experiences can ascertain that he had no other wishes during this time of community solidarity, because it was a time of happiness, security and contentment.

In his book "A New Ethics for the World", M. Scott Peck draws attention to a second essential deficiency in culture, which he describes as a hole in awareness of the nature and mode of action of today's culture. In this regard, he reports on some lectures that have made clear that most people do not want to know anything about this subject and sometimes demonstratively refuse to deal with the cultural constitution. Here, too, as in his book Community Building, M. Scott Peck hits an important nerve for the today's problems of man organizing themself in a healthy way. The psychologist in M. Scott Peck has clearly recognized and outlined the essential problems of today's human psyche. However, the Christian M. Scott Peck, due to his strong reference to the Christian religion, has remained relatively blind to the religious causes of the two central problems of today's psyche of man. Therefore, the future prospects formulated by M. Scott Peck in his books are relatively vague and subdued.

The natural individuality of the human being is characterized by the special abilities for creativity, imagination and a correspondingly flexible and liberal organization of life. Therefore, unlike animals, the human child does not have a mature, relatively fixed instinct organization, but a brain that enables humans to develop an individual world view and an individual self-organization.

This relatively easy to understand individual mode of organization of human nature is influenced by a second natural organizational complex of a special family formation. Based on the results of scientific research, we can today assume that human sexuality has oriented itself towards a monogamous family organization, so that it gives family life strong motivating impulses within the reproductive phase through its constant activity. This is important because a human child goes through an 18-year maturation period during which it needs a constant support from its parents. As we know today, the child learns the art of forming relationships primarily through the so-called identification with its parents and relatives, by "scanning" the behaviour of the parents into his consciousness. As a result, the facial expressions and gestures of the parents are sometimes imitated so exactly by the children that some parents are embarrassed by them. The family organization is therefore to be understood as an intensive and complex community, which has a decisive shape on people's lives.

Since the archaeological discovery that Homo erectus organized himself already 400,000 years ago through a village community in which each family lived in its own hut, we assume that the human nature has realized also a special community logistics. The research of ethnology has enriched our understanding of this community logistics in many respects. The community organization of the primitive peoples of modern times included a council of the heads of families, which was usually formed by the fathers of the family, since the man was responsible for the family's foreign policy and the woman for the family's domestic policy. The council of heads of families was supplemented by a relative office of the chief as a leader of the council and as a guide for hunting expeditions and military conflicts. In addition, a medicine man held a relative community office and was responsible for curing diseases and holding religious rites.

The invention of an absolutist authoritarian "god-king" and a corresponding priesthood as a religious "governorship of a god on earth" in the early advanced civilizations was therefore a blatant paradigm shift within the human community organization, as it replaced the natural relative offices in the communities of the primitive peoples with absolutist "divine" offices. The consequence of this supernatural cultural paradigm shift was the emergence of an absolutist class culture that integrated all members into estates, classes and castes, thereby replacing the natural equality of people within the primitive peoples with a "right of the strongest". As a result, a veritable class war, a gender war and a family war has arisen in the class cultures, which still exists today and are currently producing strong black blossoms in almost all cultures. Above all for this reason, today's man can still confront his self-organization, his family organization and his local self-organization, but not his unnatural and unbearable cultural constitution, which eludes natural human understanding, gives man numerous traumatic experiences and causes a large hole in human consciousness.

Since today's capitalist culture of class strongly contaminates and perverts not only the nature of the earth, but also the nature of man, it becomes understandable why man today has to struggle with great problems in all his relationships with himself, with his family members and with the members of his local community. The professional blind cow game that the cultural lower class and the middle class play in relation to these problems blinds people in a positivistic way to the fact that society is increasingly losing its supporting social ground, so that culture slowly but surely turns into a destructive concert of wishes of today's master men. Since the turn of the millennium, the preceding democratic realpolitik has turned into a political religion that has become more and more insane because it legalizes a corporate policies that allow corporations to largely disregard the "interests" of the earth's nature and human nature. The moral degeneration, which has thus taken hold of the entire sphere of activity of the cultural upper class and which the simple civilized person has only superficially confronted to this day, has led in recent years to a moral cultural swamp that increasingly transforms the human cultural life into a mental, emotional and physical struggle for survival.

Children who are in need today because their family is only capable of a superficial pseudo-community and the family tends to alternate between phases of chaos and emptiness suffer greatly from the resulting mental deprivations and injuries. Since children are still capable of spontaneous binding friendships, they are usually aware that the relationships in the families of their friends are also complicated. As a result, they tend to prefer the known evils of their own family to the unknown evils of other families. This maxim sometimes persists throughout life and leads children to downright pathological relationship compromises, with the tendency that they remain in destructive relationships for too long as adults because they believe they have no other choice. Children who have grown up in a family pseudo-community usually have no idea that there are also real biological family communities and communities, as they cannot identify such social constellations due to lack of experience. Children normally grasp reality also in an intuitive way, so many children develop a longing for empathetic and symbiotic relationships that usually lasts their entire lives. This longing inevitably experiences no redemption as long as those affected do not have sufficient ideas about what a fulfilling natural social relationship is like and functions.

Due to their longing for symbiotic relationships, many children and adults today repeatedly come across dazzlers who are "successful" above all because they offer the seekers a space and an opportunity for community experiences that go beyond the superficial relationship and community experiences of everyday cultural life. The success of such relationships and group formations is as a rule based more on the human longing for a biological community than on the charisma, knowledge or the skills of the workshop leaders.

Today, therefore, humans are not as far removed from a biological culture as they commonly believe. All that is needed today is a spark of knowledge that falls into the darkness of the social consciousness hole of all cultured people and causes a conflagration there. If this leads to a cultural "know your culture" agenda that fills the gap in society's consciousness, then it is only a matter of time before humans create a natural home for themselves on Earth and stop compulsively "improving" the way of life of all natural creatures on Earth.

As soon as a person consciously detaches himself from his passive-receptive behavioral recipes, which correspond to the traditional behavior of a cultural slave, and begins to develop new active-occupusive behavioral recipes for the conscious co-creation of his environment and his culture, he is also able to dissolve his current culture-related anxiety states. For 5000 years now, the class culture is producing completely arbitrary, unnatural ideas and demands in culture in an extremely stubborn way. Since then, the simple people of culture have been trying to alleviate the diffuse supernatural fears and traumatic experiences that arise as a result by trying to harden themselves against them. The more those affected confront themselves with fear-mongering ideas of the supernatural and traumatic kind, the more they inevitably poison their own worldview in a tragic way. The naturally conceived human consciousness cannot process supernatural fears and supernatural traumatic experiences in a natural way. This creates a real vicious circle of supernatural anxiety generation within the psychological self-organization of those affected, which over time leads to corresponding anxiety disorders. The only solution to this psychic pitfall is to no longer allow oneself to spin ideas that create a supernatural fear, and and to and to abandon the idea of hardening the psyche against supernatural fears By taking tiny doses of snake venom, it is possible to achieve a certain immunization against snake bites, because this hardening takes place within a biological framework. However, a supernatural fear or traumatic experience has no natural framework and is bottomless, so that the attempt to harden up remains not only unsuccessful, but can become extremely counterproductive.

Culture today polarizes the supernatural fears it produces with a supernatural enthusiasm for the technical and economic achievements of culture. For 200 years, these achievements have only been possible through a relative deprivation of rights, enslavement and binding (practical constraints) of humans to authoritarian pyramidal human machines of the hierarchical kind, such as in a cultural military machine. As soon as a man is developing a superficial and ultimately unnatural enthusiasm for all the "sensational" cultural products through a blindness to the methods of production of culture and their consequences, he inevitably becomes a tragic fool with regard to his own cultural "destiny".

Since the turn of the millennium, the simple man of culture has begun to concentrate on his personal interests due to the supernatural polarization of culture that is becoming increasingly unbearable in many respects. As a result he has also largely left the family and local conditions in culture to an imaginary "fate". This has created a cultural hype for the erection of illusory idealistic castles in the air in culture, through which the increasingly isolated human being tries to maintain a positivistic motivation for life.

The degeneration of interpersonal relationships and community formations, which has already become obvious as a result, is usually excused by the individual with generalised phrases: "The individual can't change anything anyway, it's always been that way", etc., etc. As a result, many people stubbornly insist on the arbitrary hope of being able to keep their personal life organization under control in the long term. This is increasingly proving to be a tragic error today, since the lobbyists of the economy, the military and the bureaucracy have been enforcing the interests of the "master men" in the cultures since the turn of the millennium without any recognizable morality and without any social or biological responsibility. As a result, cultural relations are shifting unchecked in favor of the master race and to the disadvantage of ordinary people in the direction of a global cultural dictatorship. The preliminary results of this cultural agenda already make it clear that the common man can no longer simply leave his cultural affairs to the "master men" and "experts" in his culture. Most of the master men and experts today cultivate ruthless authoritarian behavioral strategies, stemming from a bottomless megalomaniacal lust for power, which amount to turning the world into a labor concentration camp, a weapons depot, an agrarian desert, and a human relationship desert. As long as the citizen stays out of all these pathological unnatural developments as far as possible, as if this cultural development did not concern him, sooner or later he will fail because of his cultural consciousness hole.

Basically, man today has all the knowledge, all the tools and all the necessary tools at their disposal to realize a global biological democracy of the empathetic and symbiotic kind. Based on the cultural symptoms of the last 150 years, we can realize that for a sustainable and resilient biological democracy, it is necessary for the citizen to be able to influence the media, money, the economy, the military and the bureaucracy through a real democratic control power. This is necessary to prevent a "privatized" world dominated by a few power-addicted master men, who, as we can already realize today, consider the earth and everything that lives on it to be their future privat property.

The basic cultural designig instruments for a biological democracy are not known by many people today, since the cultural consciousness hole of the people have been filled too much with all kinds of questionable entertainments and product advertisements since the turn of the millennium. A constructive remedy of the cultural awareness gap and a participation of all citizens in shaping culture is no longer an organizational problem today, as effective Internet voting platforms can be created for this purpose in a relatively short time. The realization of a global biological democracy of the empathetic and symbiotic kind is therefore no longer a question of possibilities, but a question of human will. Therefore, today's man must first of all remember that he has such a will at his disposal.


The religious Isolation of People within today's Culture

Most people are aware of the basic "divide and rule" power agenda of class culture, but do not know exactly how this agenda affects their personal lives. This only becomes clear to the individual when he keeps in mind that the relative isolation of the individual, which has thus become normal in the culture, is a culturally determined isolation and not a naturally conditioned isolation.

For 5000 years, the social culture has been a place of abuse and downright denaturalization for every child, for which the parents and the mastermen of the class culture blame the "immoral" nature of the children. As a result, the class culture has become such an unnatural and unbearable culture for humans that even today's children still write the survival commandment "Thou shalt not notice" behind their ears and develop a regular family and social consciousness hole. Since the class culture pursues a programmatic exploitation of the lower cultural classes through the absolutist division of people into classes or castes, the class culture means an obligatory powerlessness for most children. As a result, many cultural children sooner or later come to repress their natural self into the subconscious for most of their everyday cultural life through their recognition: “where there is no ego, there is no pain”.

In place of the repressed natural self, most children and adults today cultivate an “adapted” artificial cultural ego that enables them to displace the intolerability of the “normal” cultural relationships through a supernatural self-manipulation, sensational entertainments and drugs of all kinds. Since the "normal" citizens of a class culture thus systematically pretend to be blind, deaf and mute to the unbearable nature of the class culture, they do not register how they increasingly separate themselves from their native nature and become inwardly isolated and lonely.

Above all, the religion of the class culture has always supported this process of isolation by also forcing the separation of man from the nature of the earth and the nature of the universe through the formation of a supernatural absolutist bubble of faith. Through this deliberate separation of man from his native nature, from the nature of the earth and from the nature of the universe, man becomes an isolated and thus an unnatural egoistic cultural citizen in the sense of the cultural "divide and rule" power agenda.

To this day, this downright "education" of the cultured man leads to the fact that man erects an ideological and emotional wall within his self-organization, which separates him from his spontaneous natural thinking, feeling and acting. In addition, humans cultivate an artificial abstract cultural ego that produces many different culture-oriented roles and behaviors of the superficial, factual and sweeping kind. As a result, the cultured man sooner or later becomes his own slave driver and "optimizes" his artificial behavior adapted to the culture in a progressive way. It therefore becomes "normal" even for the children of class culture that the natural self, which repeatedly returns from exile to the subconscious in "free time", is perceived as disturbing because it is too weak and too vulnerable for the "normal" everyday reality of class culture. From this degree of "adaptation" of a child, the normal "pedagogical" re-education of children by the class culture has achieved a first breakthrough. As a result, the child becomes increasingly adept at developing an artificial cultural ego through the recipe "hear nothing, see nothing and say nothing", which is characterized above all by iron nerves and a thick emotional skin. This "success" is only possible through a sustained betrayal of the child's native nature, which can be understood as a fundamental price that the class culture demands of all newborn children.

In this way, the children of culture build up a strong ideological wall against their innate natural self, against the nature of the earth and against the nature of the universe until adulthood, and thereby promote a class culture that constantly arbitrarily rises above nature. The supernatural, absolutist cultural ego necessary for this brings an absolutist ideological echo chamber to development through its various everyday behavioral roles, which is colloquially referred to today as a "bubble".As a result of this development, the child's natural self increasingly falls behind, so that it finally falls into a kind of Sleeping Beauty slumber, which usually lasts until physical death. This is the "fate" that class culture has caused most people in the last 5000 years and continues to cause today. The class culture therefore has a priceless price, which means constant human suffering and a relatively early "small death" for the innate natural self of man. To this day, people usually repress this "fate" through an absolutist self-discipline or through all kinds of sensational entertainments and drugs. But man can only really redeem this suffering if he ensures that the culture of class is replaced by a natural culture organization.

Many children today fall into the trap of an isolated life because they rely on the promises of their parents and the cultural authorities, who promise the child a "all-inclusive" cultural welfare for his or her adaptation to the culture. A child, as a rule, has no idea how realistic and plausible these promises are and therefore, according to his innate symbiotic nature, trusts in what his own parents and acquaintances believe and recommend. Therefore, for about 150 years now, children fall out of all idealistic clouds as soon as they realize that the capitalistic class culture produces false truths and lies in an extremely fatal, arbitrary way and does not stop at any ideological and emotional manipulation of the venial or violent kind in order to maintain the cultural system. The dishonest and unnatural norms of behaviour that have become "normal" in today's class culture, which are usually in favour of the "master men" and to the disadvantage of the "subjects", can disappoint a child so profoundly that it loses confidence in its own parents, in the culture and in life.

Such a fall into bottomlessness is usually accompanied by extreme feelings of disgust, which can become so strong that they trigger panicked and allergic reactions in the children. Since a child has no choice but to suppress these symptoms through the artificial cultural ego, it develops an absolutist authoritarian self-dictatorship, that turns the child into a blind, obedient cultural human being The resulting “well-behaved” cultural citizen no longer wants to see or hear anything that could potentially cause him traumatic experiences and sensitivities and thus generally becomes stubbornly blind to the real nature of his own culture.

The resulting stubborn social consciousness hole turns the "normal" cultural citizen into a constantly self-controlling and disciplining cultural servant who clings to everything already known and avoids everything unknown. As a result, the "normal" citizen of a class culture rejects cultural "experiments" even if they offer him a real biological redemption from his inner conflicts. Most people today are in this mental state.

It is therefore of no use to today's cultured person to constantly complain that the promises of a class culture are not fulfilled in a way that is adequate for human nature, since the lowclasses within the class culture always remains  exploited man who has to cope with countless disappointments. The obligatory course of this human "fate" within a class culture carries the risk of a serious mental or emotional illness in the long run, since the thoughts, feelings and actions of many people in the class culture fulfill today's definition of insanity: To constantly hold on to certain behaviors and yet always hope for a different result than the result that occurs. Only when today's people realize that there is a method to this madness produced by the culture of class he also understand that countless people today are suffering the same fate as he himself and that he is not as alone as he feels. In this way, he can moderate his disappointments, which are often perceived as "personal" insults, and channel his anger in a new way so that it is no longer directed against himself, against fellow human beings or against other scapegoats.

Even today, many people complain in a regular way about the capitalist cultural paradise promised to them in childhood and sometimes complain about it to God. As a result, they get into a bottomless ideological vicious circle, because the master men have already invented a heaven of gods in the early class cultures, so that the normal anger in the cultural lower classes is not directed against themselves, but against an imaginary authority in heaven. To this end, the culture of class and the supernatural human behaviour that arises in it was mirrored in heaven in order to shift the responsibility for cultural grievances to heaven and to make the gods responsible for the unbearable fate of the many. Through this "normal" transfer of the cultural responsibilities to a heavenly world, today's master men can still help itself to the economic honeypot of the peoples in a relatively unmolested way "in the name of God". Therefore, as long as man directs his complaints and aggression to the scapegoats invented by the master men of culture, he stands in his own way for a better cultural solution. The religious manipulation of the early class cultures was supplemented by a political manipulation, which to this day aims to eliminate the natural, rational thinking ability of man in the medium to long term by generating bottomless supernatural fears and boundless supernatural enthusiasms. The effectiveness of this agenda is evident in the similar police "good cop - bad cop" interrogation method of today. The supernatural polarisation of affective states of fear and hope created by this consumes the nerves of the interrogated, so that a rapid unconditional surrender takes place.

After the turn of the millennium, the capitalist class culture has begun to sexualize the cultured person in a supernatural and perverse way, since the special natural behavioral mode of an activated sexuality can also eliminate the normal rational thinking and acting of the human being over a longer period of time. The media instruments used for this purpose since the turn of the millennium (even porn freely available to children on the Internet) continue to lead to a progressively globalizing human sex addiction that significantly impairs the natural rational thinking of humans. In addition, there is a constant social and psychological engineering taking place in cultures through the media, which has led to an enormous increase in anxiety disorders and allergic diseases in the cultures. As a result, many people today have a problem developing clear biological thoughts and concepts in relation to their personal and family self-organization.

Even the early class cultures used the panicked and allergic human reactions that had arisen in the culture through the application of a dictatorial tyranny to create a religious concept of good and evil. Through the interpretation that the panicked, allergic or even irascible cultural person is "obviously" infected by an evil spirit, a sufficiently effective ideological phalanx could be established in culture through an arbitrary condemnation and punishment of these reactions. The history of the Roman Catholic Inquisition in the Middle Ages shows very impressively where this has led again and again in cultural history.

The special survival program of all animals leads to the concentration of all physical, mental and emotional forces in the event of a life-threatening situation, which then discharges either in the form of a panic (flight) or in the form of an allergic reaction (attack). In this case, the panicked or allergic constitutional state evaporates as soon as there is no longer a life-threatening situation. However, due to a constant absolutist and thus supernatural, dictatorial rule within his culture, the cultured person of a class culture is confronted with a latent threat to his life: As soon as the human being develops a panicked or allergic reaction in relation to these supernatural relations of domination within his class culture, the special life-sustaining constitutional conditions of panic and allergic reaction cannot dissolve in a naturally way and persist in a latent way.

Such a mental state is extremely dangerous, as a latent panicked and allergic behavior entails the risk that the affected person will develop a cancer-like behavior mode. Both the panic and the allergic reaction produce undirected, bottomless actions determined by no inner order or logic, since it is only a matter of fleeing or putting the opponent to flight. Therefore, if a latent panic-allergic constitutional state persists in a human being, then he tends not only to develop bottomless fears and flight impulses, but also bottomless aggressive impulses, so that the resulting action always remains bottomless, without a natural framework and without direction. This is roughly equivalent to the behavior of a cell that has become a carcinogenic cell and henceforth acts uncontrollably and without a natural plan of action. It is therefore not an exaggeration to say that the class culture, with its authoritarian relationship structure that is unbearable for human nature, can evoke carcinogenic constitutional conditions in human beings, which lead to bottomless anxiety disorders and outbreaks of violence of the destructive kind, such as irascibility. Through the religious interpretation of panic or allergic reactions as behaviors caused by an evil spirit, a violent reaction of the master men or the state to such constitutional conditions is "legalized" to this day. Many cultured persons therefore remains trapped within a class culture by a psychologically anchored "right of the strongest" in the people in a more or less chronic constitutional state of latent panic and/or allergic reaction. Those affected have constantly to struggle with a stimulus threshold that is too low, so they stay in danger that panicky or allergic reactions are triggered and that cancer-like behaviors arise. Therefore, those affected by it inevitably always remain at risk of becoming a target of social ostracism or of the lordly "jurisdiction". Even today, for this reason, there are many cultured people who have a bottomless fear of the onset of their panic and allergic states, so that in some sufferers a real "hellish" vicious circle of a bottomless fear arises, which chronically impairs their natural, rational thinking and acting.

From this tricky, fundamentally emerging social situation within a class culture, people still develop bottomless anxiety disorders and allergies today. The inhibition threshold for triggering a panic or allergic reaction stays relatively low with today's increase in cultural pressure to survive in an increasing number of citizens. As has become increasingly clear since the turn of the millennium, the allergic reactions, which are suppressed in culture, can also express themselves by shifting to the physical level. Children of the lower classe in particular are extremely sensitive to social injustices in the family, as their life therefor remains constant uncertain and endangered. Since today's pedagogical education has become extremely effective due to the accumulated psychological knowledge, there are only limited possibilities for a child to express allergic reactions on the verbal level. Therefore, allergic reactions are increasingly shifting to the physical level in a way that is difficult to understand. Even with regard to this symptomatic cultural development of today, man can only achieve a sustainable solution through a conscious farewell to the cultural model of class culture and through the targeted realization of a culture that does justice to human nature.

Many people today cling to the hope that they will someday experience justice, compensation or healing for all the suffering and for all the injustices endured within their culture. However, since their suffering has been caused by a "normal" unnatural class culture, there is also no effective biological instance to which man could turn for reparation or healing. It is therefore important that the persönal inner conflicts and disturbances are understood as supernatural products of an unnatural class culture, that cannot be compensated or improved but at best let go. Only through this insight and through a targeted design of new biological relationships and communities can a real relief from these conflicts be achieved. Today's cultured person usually realizes the concept "where there is no natural self, there is no pain". Thereby he locks his natural self in a basement dungeon in his subconscious for most of the day.

The human being can therefore only realize a modern natural self-organization if he changes the constitution of his artificial cultural ego in such a way that the imprisoned natural ego again has sufficient leeway in everyday life. This is not an easy task, since the artificial cultural ego of today's man, like the master men of class culture, likes to imagine that he knows everything better than nature itself. As a result, there are some hurdles that are not easy to overcome in the way of the realization of an empathetic and symbiotic community culture. The absolutist cultural ego of today's man, like the culture of class itself, knows at best a feigned morality, but no real social or biological morality. As a result, the artificial cultural ego can usually assert itself relatively easily against the relatively self-organizing natural ego. Today's human being is therefore faced with the task of changing his self-generated absolutist cultural ego in such a way that the natural ego once again has the say in its self-organization. For this it is necessary that the individual dissolves today's culturally determined egocentric roles of his artificial cultural ego and creates a basic biological behavioral framework for his cultural ego. Only in this way can a natural self that takes the lead again and a biologically modified cultural ego complement each other in a constructive way. Such a solution is the most important prerequisite for the success of a permanently stable biological democracy, in which appropriate natural respect for human nature, for the nature of the earth and for universal nature is obligatory.

We know today, that life on earth is like a continuum in which all living things are connected. Man's isolation from his own nature, from the nature of the earth and from the universe, which has arisen above all from the religious views of class cultures, has led to an unnatural "sinful" separation of man from his natural connection with life. The word sin has a Greek root (Hamartia = to miss the mark) and a Germanic root (Sund = the separation of God and man). An ancient religious interpretation understands sin as a sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds, so that we can develop a view of sin based on the religious knowledge gathered to date that differs significantly from the view of the Roman Catholic Church and the views of the Protestant forms of religion. Since the traditional forms of religion of Western culture do not see sin as a pathological sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds, these forms of religion assume an ominous evil in man and in the world, which causes a bottomless fear to religious people to this day.

The old understanding of the sin as a sinful state that gives birth to sinful deeds leads to a clear identification of class culture as the cause of man's tragic separation from nature. Thanks to modern science, we can now well understand that this separation was initiated by the invention of absolutist personified gods by the respective religious founders of the class culture. Therefore, we can also consider the universe as an omnipresent, impersonal and relative "divine" being that generates dynamic processes in the universe through a living polarity of order and freedom. These processes have led, among other things, to a special natural evolution on Earth, which contains the universal (divine) being.

To this day, the various monotheistic world religions concentrate on the sinful separation of man from God. In doing so, they block the increasingly necessary awareness that class culture has caused a separation of man from the universal nature and still cause a destructive separation of man from the nature of the earth and from his own native nature. As long as man cultivates an absolutist religious worldview, which immunizes an unnatural striving for power of today's "master men" through the religious concept of a God's viceship on earth, he cannot redeem himself from the pathological state of sin that arises as a result.

The lack of religious awareness in this respect of today's people can also be traced back to the educational pedagogy of Western class cultures from the 18th century to the middle of the 20th century. An essential goal of this cultural education, which is now called "Black Pedagogy", was to break the natural will of the cultural children before the age of 3, so that the children can no longer remember later that they once had a natural will. For this reason, many people today lack a sufficient natural will to transform today's culture to a place where a dignified and fulfilling natural life is possible.

A similar effect is achieved today by flooding children with media messages that impair or even dilute the children's natural identification with their parents and relatives. As a result, the children's natural will remains relatively indifferent and unstable. Many children thereby become so accustomed to the supernatural sensational media messages that they find natural communication and natural experiences boring and insignificant.

Religious and ideological ideas of the supernatural kind therefore still develop a devastating impact today, which can have an effect on a person's entire thinking, feeling and behavior. As a rule, man's capacity for imagination makes a significant contribution to this, as absolutist religious beliefs can solidify a high degree of distortion in a person's views and beliefs through "consistent" conclusions. It is not an exaggeration to speak of a poisoning of human consciousness. Also the human fantasy can get into a pathological, sinful state through an arbitrary "liberation" from all natural and social standards and produce sinful ideas and deeds non-stop. This makes it tangible how much a religion can contribute to a culture losing itself in ideological chaos and becoming insane. It is therefore time for today's human being to say goodbye to the cherished agenda "Thoughts are free", since the thoughts that today shape man's ideas of the world are also the cause of today's catastrophic dealings of man with his own kind and with the nature of the earth. According to nature, thoughts can only be free in a relative way, since natural life always needs a constructive inner and outer order in order to be able to realize itself in a lasting, resilient and happy way.


The biological Consideration of the Sin and of the Life Message of Jesus


We now know that life on earth is like a continuum in which all living things are connected. Today's isolation of man from his own nature, from the nature of the earth and from the universe, which has arisen above all through the religious views of the class cultures, has led to an unnatural "sinful" separation of man from his natural connection with life. In order to better understand what this sinful state is that produces sinful deeds, it is helpful to keep in mind that all life has a living natural order, without which life is not possible. As soon as this order no longer exists for whatever reason, then the behavior of the affected organisms becomes nervous, hectic, arbitrary and sometimes as unnatural as we can observe when a healthy cell has mutated into a carcinogenic cell.

Today we are slowly and painfully recognizing that the arbitrary separation of man from his innate nature, the nature of the earth and the nature of a relative universe results in a downright inner isolation of the civilized man. In today's sinful class culture, this also gives rise to the cultural phenomenon of the thousand tongues, already mentioned in the Bible, which is increasingly becoming a serious problem for human self-organization. In view of the potential for violence generated by the class culture, man can therefore no longer afford to pursue a culture that produces sinful, unnatural human constitutional states and actions as if on an assembly line.

In principle, a separation of man from nature can also take place through carelessly carried out unnatural actions, which entail sinful "practical constraints", as is the case, for example, in the case of an unnatural deprivation of rights and enslavement of human beings by human beings. Such an unnatural relationship results in a sinful sadistic constitutional state of the "master man" and a sinful masochistic constitutional state of the "slave man". Since the behavior of the slaves inevitably becomes defensive and passive due to their constantly threatened lives, most today's people do not realize that this is basically an unnatural regression into a infantile behavour. The slave normalizes this self-organization through a supernatural absolutist self-discipline and self-dictatorship, so that the "success" of this life-saving adaptation usually leads to a pathological masochistic pleasure in the slave's power of control over his own life. The tragedy of the sinful sadistic desire of the "master men" for a absoltistic power over the slave man and the sinful masochistic desire of the slave man for a absolutistic power over himself. The sadistic and the masochistic sinfulness complement and fire each other up to in a tragic way and lead the relationship into the abyss of an escalating violence.

The more such relationship processes arise within a class culture, the more the sadistic and masochistic behavioral phenomena are transferred to the entire people and lead to a "normal" cultural relationship behavior of the bottomless sinful kind. This transforms the normal relationships (parent/child, employee/employer, state/citizen, man/woman), into war, so the human being remains trapped in a permanent sinful state. Thereby he onsolidates over the time numerous unnatural behaviors and habits of action of the sinful kind.

Today's increasingly intensifying destructive cultural symptoms therefor make it clear that man must put an end to his sinful cultural organization, because it has become extremely pathological. For 7 generations now, man has been trying to redeem his "normal" sinful constitution and self-organization by replacing increasingly the natural social life insurance, which inevitably decomposes in the culture of class, with a supernatural material life insurance. This self-organization which cultivates an extremely unnatural respectively sinful capitalism, is today in the process of undermining the basic biological basis of life of man through a progressive overload and poisoning of human nature and the nature of the earth.

The essential key to correct this inadvertent human error is a conscious spiritual and spiritual reunion of man with his innate nature, the nature of the earth and the nature of the universe. As soon as man thereby ends the present abuse of a bottomless sinful human imagination and dissolves his idealistic formulas of faith of the fanatical kind, the way to a biological cultural organization is clear. This does not mean that man must return to a cave existence, but that he must end all supernatural violence, through which he today operates a cancerous cultural organization.

One help for this necessary process is the biological confrontation with the life of Jesus, which leads to completely different views than the traditional Jesus view of the Roman Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic Church has so absolutized and immunized an arbitrarily created image of Jesus as a Son of God who died for the sins of man, that this image blocks the biological path for man's redemption from his sinful soul state to this day. The passive-receptive thinking and behavior of the believers created by the Catholic interpretation of Jesus today contributes significantly to the fact that despite all the already visible symptoms of a galloping sinful inflation within the capitalist class cultures, religious man does nothing against this development and more or less limits himself to singing and praying. The Christian behavior that is generally practiced to this day through the concept of tolerance, blanket forgiveness and self-sacrificing selflessness has become a particularly tragic sinful betrayal of the believers against their own inner nature and the nature of the earth through cultural "progress". An all-tolerating setting towards one's own cultural "fate" therefore leads man into a cultural hell of non-commitment, arbitrariness and indifference to all life.

Such a cultural development, which has already become evident in many respects today, is the exact opposite of what Jesus tells us through his life example. We can conclude from what we know today about the life of Jesus that Jesus was aware of the "sinful" state of Jewish culture of his time, since through his life he has consciously emphasized the healthy social nature of man and thus charity, fraternal communion, and the natural symbiotic community nature of man. From this point of view, his advice "By their fruits you shall know them" has become an extremely valuable piece of advice for man, as he can help to better protect the social nature of man from the destructive, sinful messages and fruits of the "master men" and of the "slave men".

The statement of Jesus, which has remained confusing for many Christians to this day: "I did not come to bring peace, but the sword" takes on a special meaning through the biological consideration of the life of Jesus. In order for the life of Jesus to become a spiritual sword for ending the morbid sinful state of today's class cultures, it is important to understand the inner logic that Jesus carried out through his death. We can also understand this death as the biological consequence, rather to accept the physical death than betraying one's own soul and selling it to the power of the Romans and the Jewish Sanhedrin. This would mean nothing else, than to accept a pathologically sinful state of soul that produces not ending sinful acts.

A human being who betrays his inner nature because of a confrontation with a sadistic master man , develops a masochistic recipe for survival, which is sufficiently documented today and develops in every slave. This leads him into an absolutist, unnatural and thus sinful self-dictatorship in favor of the master man. The betrayal of those affected to their own inner nature becomes over the time chronic and leads to a serious sinful mental constitution of the masochistic kind.

Nature knows no slaves, so there is no excuse that can justify a sinful human condition, neither for the sadistic sinfulness of the "master man" nor for the masochistic sinfulness of the "slave man". Anyone who can understand this can also understand why Jesus chose death rather than allow himself to be made a sinful man. We do not know whether the soul of man has a eternal life or not. However, we can certainly state that a broken, sinful person is only a shadow of his former self, which is why being broken mentally an emotionally causes an immeasurable damage to the soul of man.

The biological significance of the life of Jesus for today's man therefore lies in the essential message not to sell one's own innate nature under any circumstances to a sinful class culture, to sinful master races, or for a sinful material luxury life. Today's capitalist class culture degrades, poisons and abuses all tangible natural living beings in such an effective sinful way that we can speak of a life-threatening sadistic appropriation of the nature of man and the nature of the earth.

In view of this cultural development, which today is increasingly threatening the fundamental existence of man, it has become necessary for man to use the message of Jesus' life not only as a passive sword of defense but also as a progressive sword, and to actively intervene in the shaping of cultural life. This requires above all the abolition of the artificial ideological separations of religion and politics and the public life from private life, since these separations are effective pillars of power in today's cultural "divide and rule" agenda. Such a step makes it possible for the today's man to transform the culture into a "holy" democracy in the Christian sense. It is therefore time for all Christians, as well as for all Jews and Muslims, to no longer limit themselves to praying and singing, but to actively work to put an end to the sinful separation of man from nature in all cultures.