A real biological community connection can arise both in the short term and spontaneously as well as in the long term and planned. In addition to the loose community, which is about shaping the leisure time through music, dance and art, there are also the following communities that are important for the formation of a biological democracy. 1. The Therapeutic community can act both freely and purposefully and is able to prevent or mitigate many of today's cultural symptoms, such as the milder mental illnesses and the addicition developments. Therapeutic communities can limit themselves to certain topics, to a certain period of time and to a certain number of members and organize themselves in an individual way. 2. The Political community that is formed through regular social discussions. Without such a culture of discussion, a natural democracy cannot be maintained for long, since everyone in a biological democracy must ensure that to much human beings do not lose themselves in supernatural thoughts, illusions and visions. 3. The Religious community expresses itself through a reflection on the essential and thus on the nature of life. It is important for such community building that it does not have an absolutist leader and ist using the natural religious instruments, such as the meditation, the discussion or the dance in a relatively free and creativ way.The purpose of natural religion is therefore to celebrate natural life itself and to remind oneself again and again that one is a part of natural life. This creates a natural humility and mindfulness that prevents people from getting lost in supernatural fantasy ideas. Since a biological religion always refers to the essence of life, it is a world religion that includes all life in a natural, binding, empathetic and symbiotic way. A biological world religion cannot therefore be reconciled with artificially emphasized divisions of man by age, gender, skin color, origin or religious views.Only the arbitrary, unnatural and thus sinfully thinking, feeling and acting human being remains an excluded human being even in a natural world religion, because he elevates himself spiritually, emotionally and physically above everything natural and separates himself therebyfor from nature. You will find in the menu "religious" an elaborated statute for a natural world religion, in which you can become an official member without any obligations other than the promise to adhere to the ideological framework of this religion. 4. The Societal community. Since today a large number of people in all countries have different cultural backgrounds, today's society tends to fragment. Within a biological democracy, this can be compensated for to a certain extent by political discussion communities. As a rule, however, this is not enough to achieve stable and resilient social cohesion, which is why a sustainable biological democracy cannot do without a targeted social networking through an Internet platform for several reasons. On the Site you will find a concrete plan for the implementation of such a social Internet platform. |