The Implementation of a biological World Religion

A membership in a biological world religion does not require a church, because nature itself is the church of a biological world religion. This is also expressed by the fact that the members like to spend time in nature to practice simple meditations. Such mediation can be realized very easy by sitting down at the foot of a tree and leaning your back against the tree trunk to feel the peace and the quiet power of the forest. Observing animals and listening to the chants within a forest is nothing more than a simple "oneness" with nature as the main meditative practice of a biological religion. The most important goal of the members of a biological religion should be to respect all individual life, to spare it and to protect it from unnaturally acting people. This also includes the protection of one's own innate nature. In this way, everyone can actively contribute to promoting the natural and mitigating the destructive effects of today's class culture.

By recognizing that every person has a binding, empathetic and symbiotic innate nature that wants to realize itself in an acitve way a constructive progressive connectedness of all like-minded people can arise.


 The official membership in a new biological world religion

The official membership in a new biological world religion, which I have given the name "Native Ground" with regard to the world language English, requires 4 conditions:

  1. To agree with the three basic articles of this website, both in their views and in their objectives. A certain relative deviation on some points is no obstacle, provided that it does not impair the fundamental constructive nature of the religious views.
  2. The official membership declaration by e-mail (I hereby declare myself a member of the Native Ground world religion).
  3. An annual symbolic donation based on what a member can afford.
  4. The willingness to participate in a binding, empathetic and symbiotic community building, either as a participant or as an organizer

Until a separate website is set up, notification of new events, community buildings and developments will be sent by means of an e-mail message. The e-mail address is:

Until further notice, donations can be made through the provisional fundraising account: Wolfgang Hauke IBAN DE26 6619 0000 0029 5848 34 BIC GENODE61KA1 with the note: Native Ground.